
彭成權/Expert of Taiwan Jewel Orchid 用照顧嬰兒的精神來培育金線連,讓消費者品嚐最優質的農產,是一個農人應盡義務與責任,這就是彭成權先生的堅持。
彭成權先生將自己一生心血,投入在金線連培育種植,包含溫度、水質都是種植出優質台灣金線連重要因素,因此,彭成權先生搭建起最為舒適的金線連溫室,,讓金線連從小苗到採收這二年時間中,居住於在四季恆溫環境中生長,他說:即使是自己再辛苦一點也值得,這樣才可以讓消費者品嚐到最優質的金線連,也才對得起大地的恩賜,這是身為一個農人應盡義務與責任。 |
We take care of our Taiwan Jewel Orchid as if they were our babies, so that our customers eat only products of the highest quality. We think this is the innate obligation and duty of a farmer, and is the insistence of Mr. Peng Cheng-Quan. |

台灣金線連(學名:Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata)是臺灣珍貴的蘭科草本植物,英文名稱為 Taiwan jewel orchid(臺灣寶石蘭)是台灣特有植物,亦以多年生草本植物;金線連原生地分佈於台灣海拔五百到一千七百公尺之原始林蔭處、陰溼且排水良好的腐葉土層處。
『金線連』命名由來,取之葉片上的主脈和側脈相連接,色澤有如金線,所以叫做金線〝連〞,其實它與「蓮花」並沒有相近的親緣關係。 |
Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata is a precious orchid plant native to Taiwan. It is a perennial herbal plant called the Taiwan Jewel Orchid. The Taiwan Jewel Orchid originally grows in the forest floor under the shade of the primary forest in mountains ranging from 500 to 1700 meters above the sea level.
The Taiwan Jewel Orchid is named for the golden threads that make up the net of the main and lateral veins on the leaves. |